About Kyle


I’m a writer. So, on occasion, I write. Poems. Short stories. Novels. Dating/relationship advice. Fact sheets about ants and their mating habits. Nutritional facts for cookies and crackers (exclusively). Warning labels for pens (pencils are someone else’s area of expertise). Signs for petting zoos about not feeding the animals unless you are wearing fleece lined mittens, feeding them food provided by the location, and still have a death wish. Fortunes in oatmeal-craisin-cinnamon-sugar-fortune-cookies (again, exclusively). As well as captions for cat photos in the local newspaper. Just kidding. I hate cats.


I am mildly sarcastic…and that might be an understatement. Not everyone gets my sense of humor. I don’t think they’re supposed to. Regardless, I am okay with that.


But in all seriousness, I am a MFA Creative Writing (Fiction) student at George Mason University. Before that I attended the University of Mary Washington where I studied English and Linguistics.


I am addicted to coffee. It is a big deal. You don’t want to get between me and my coffee. But seriously. Me + a venti white chocolate mocha = pure good morning/ good day bliss…that is, until the afternoon pick-me-up.


I am a middle child. My two sisters get gold stars for being awesome. And for listening to all my random stories. And for putting up with my weirdness. And for everything else they’ve done over the 20+ years of our intertwined lives. I’m thinking of keeping them.


Dogs. They are so cute and fluffy and friendly and goofy and I am obsessed. I have a poodle terrier mix and he provides endless hours of affection and entertainment. He is also one of my mother’s biggest fans (not to be mistaken for stalking) and my older sister’s husky’s mortal enemy.


In my free time I like to ride horses. This also leads to me telling everyone (and I pretty much do mean everyone) that they owe me a pony. But really I want a horse. Just to be clear. I’d squash a pony and I’m not looking for a short-lived dream come true. I’m getting a little old for that (only a little).


I also like swimming. I heard a rumor that it’s more fun than drowning.


Books. Those are fun. I like reading them and making other people read them because I secretly (and now not so secretly) judge people who don’t read. Everyone should read. Books are delicious.


I often feel uncomfortable writing about myself  (this list included) but I’ve taken a few nonfiction classes in which that is [not-so-] surprisingly a key feature of our assignments so I’m trying to get better about it. Maybe one day it’ll be less weird. We’ll see. It’s still a work in progress, which is why I find myself more at home with fiction. It is all made up. You just tell the story until there is nothing left to tell and then it can come to an end whenever you–


Let’s connect elsewhere…and everywhere!

My website: http://kylefreelander.wix.com/author

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kylefreelanderwriter

Twitter: @kylefreelander

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kylefreelander/

Tumblr: http://kylefreelander.tumblr.com/

Instagram: kfree8181


Other blogs by Kyle Freelander:

Beyond the Saddle: www.beyondthesaddle.wordpress.com

4 thoughts on “About Kyle”

  1. Hi Kyle, just read your Twitter invitation to give you some feedback, and here’s my suggestion:
    I like the content of your ABOUT page, but I’d MOVE that ending UP, and use that as the beginning of your post. Otherwise I think you’re in danger of losing your readers to skimming. If you start with:

    “I often feel uncomfortable writing about myself…” and how to get in contact with you.

    After reading that, they are going to fall in love with you because it’s a connecting point. They’ll want to read all the quirky and intelligently witty stuff you’ve crafted.
    Otherwise, just all the “I Stuff” has the potential to zone them out.

    Connect first, then expound on all your quirks and charms.
    Again, that’s just my humble opinion, and you’ve gained a WordPress follower!


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