Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! Kyle

“Pillow Top”


“Start early and work hard. A writer’s apprenticeship usually involves writing a million words (which are then discarded) before he’s almost ready to begin. That takes a while.” -David Eddings

“The faster I write the better my output. If I’m going slow, I’m in trouble. It means I’m pushing the words instead of being pulled by them.” -Raymond Chandler

“The heart makes the eloquence.” -Edward Dahlberg


Prompts (This week’s prompts from here)

A man spends the afternoon building a snowman with his son, but as he’s getting ready for bed that night he notices that snowman has moved at least 20 feet toward the house.

While hiking in the woods, a man and his partner come across a reindeer that seems to desperately want to be followed.

“I found it, on a branch, in the Christmas tree.”

Two twin girls set out on Christmas Eve with a plan: to capture Santa Claus.

A family decides to spend their winter holiday in their uncle’s cabin in the woods, but they wake up in the middle of the night to a visitor digging through the trash: an abominable snowman.

A Christmas Tree that loses its star sets out on a mission to find it.

Love Will Knock You Down

and more!

My Pinterest board filled with gift ideas for writers and readers! It’s not too late to get the writer in your life what they really want this holiday season.

This site has a really cool infographic about mythical creatures from around the world. Seriously, it’s worth checking out!

Titles are important. Here are some things to think about when naming your book!

Moving on After a Break Up


Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

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Write on!

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